Central Landfill Enabling Works

Client:  New Plymouth District Council, South Taranaki District Council, Stratford District Council

Completion: March 2020


This project was for the new Taranaki landfill at Eltham. It held a significant public profile and interest.

Stringent environmental management planning was required due to potential contaminated soil issues and disposal controls. Environmental controls and considerations included dust suppression; disposal management plans including prescribed journey management planning; protection of the liners; liaising with neighbouring landowners.


Decanting Earth Bunds (DEBs) were constructed to control stormwater runoff. Dust suppressants were utilised by damping down; grassing, hay mulching (80,000m2 area) and use of hydroseed spraying. Silt fencing was used to maintain surface water runoff and diversion to the DEBs and silt retention ponds.


Enabling Works:

  •        Protection of the existing monitoring wells and services.
  •        Construction and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures including two sediment retention ponds.
  •        Employing dust control measures.
  •        Site drainage.
  •        Site clearance and stripping (42,918 m2).
  •        Supplying and installing farm gates and farm fences.
  •        Formation of farm access roads.
  •        Excavation of material to stockpiles including operation and maintenance of the stockpile area (47,108m3).




Reinstatement Works:

  • Respreading stockpiles, removing environmental controls and reinstatement of the farmland.