Pouakai Track Upgrade Egmont Visitor Centre to Jacobs Ladder 


Project Location: Mount Taranaki, Taranaki 

Client: Department of Conservation 

Completion: March 2022


This project was for the construction upgrade to the Pouakai Crossing Track on Mount Taranaki. The works required: 

·        Timber repairs/replacements   

·        Stair and step replacements  

·        Drainage  

·        Metal placement and track improvement  

A critical success factor for the project was to ensure public accessibility through the construction works and to minimise the impact to the public and their perception.  

A comprehensive safety and environmental management plan was required including to control the work activity with public in proximity to the construction zones. Safety risks included:   

·                  Working with helicopters  

·                  Public accessibility   

·                  Remote work location with limited access  

·                  Changeable weather  

·                  Poor cell phone reception    

·                  Flora and Fauna management